No Two Cases Are the Same
It is very difficult to determine the value of a claim immediately after an accident and is based on many factors.
The severity of the accident carries a tremendous amount of weight as to the ultimate value. This means that a very small fender-bender will rarely result in a large settlement. In auto accident cases insurance companies believe that the more serious the impact the greater the likelihood for injuries.
Once it has been established that the impact is severe enough to warrant medical treatment the insurance companies then look to the amount and types of medical treatment incurred to assist in the evaluation process. Your attorney will need to secure medical records and reports from your treating physicians to determine the severity of the injury, the necessity for medical treatment, the need for future medical treatment and most importantly a discussion of the disabilities and limitations that you will suffer from in the future.
A lot of cases have an emotional overlay in the form of post-traumatic stress disorder. This condition must also be documented by a licensed medical provider and discussed in their records and reports to the attorney.
It is my personal belief that all injured parties should be aggressive in their treatment and do everything possible to make a full and complete recovery. On the other hand, it is inappropriate to engage in unnecessary and unreasonable treatment simply for the purpose of inflating the value of your claim. If you engage in reasonable and appropriate treatment at the direction of qualified medical providers, the value of your claim will be clearly established at the conclusion of your treatment. Keep in mind that without medical treatment, even though you may have incurred injuries, there is little or no value to such a claim. As an injured victim, you owe it to yourself to be diligent in the pursuit of your medical and emotional recovery.
How will we win your case?
Our office uses investigators, accident reconstruction specialists, accountants, economist, physicians, bio-mechanics, human factor experts and any other forensic experts necessary to prove how your injury accident occurred and how much your case is worth.
Brad & Tyson Wiles will be able to determine when such experts are needed and how to best use them in negotiations with the insurance company. In the event that it is necessary to take your case to trial, the forgoing experts are a critical element of each and every claim that must be used to obtain the highest possible recovery.
Medical Treatment and Subrogation
If you are fortunate enough to have your own private health care insurance, there is a substantial amount of knowledge which is necessary to minimize the amount of subrogation to your own health carrier. Subrogation, or reimbursement, is a common aspect in all health insurance claims that are part of an automobile or injury accident.
Believe it or not, your health insurance has a right to be reimbursed for any medical bills that are the subject of your injury accident. With the help of a competent lawyer the amount due your insurance company for reimbursement can be greatly reduced or entirely satisfied without a payment from your settlement proceeds. Each and every case has different components that may allow you to not reimburse your health insurance company one dollar. In fact, after the conclusion of a claim a great majority of a competent attorney’s work revolves around the satisfaction of medical liens and the extinguishing of obligations for repayment. The Wiles & Wiles Attorneys at Law will assist you all the way through the completion of your case including lien satisfaction and any and all reimbursement issues.
If you do not have health insurance, we can still obtain immediate medical treatment for you. You will not be required to pay the doctors until you receive a settlement from the responsible party. In situations such as these, the health care providers are working on a “lien.” It is important to understand that the health care provider’s fee is not contingent upon the success of the claim. You will be required to pay the health care provider regardless of your injury claim. Therefore it is extremely important to have a highly qualified attorney, such as Brad or Tyson Wiles, who will thoroughly investigate the claim and be in a position to assure the health care providers that your claim has substantial merit and will without a doubt result in a recovery for you, thereby assisting the providers with payment of their medical services.
Fighting the Insurance Carriers
We will fight the insurance carriers on your behalf for the best possible result. A common practice of insurance carriers is to place blame or fault for the accident on the accident victims even when they are not at fault. Alternatively they will make a ridiculously low settlement offer and pressure you into accepting an unreasonable amount for the value of your claim. All individuals need an advocate to fight for them. The insurance carriers are experts at defeating claims and you need to have an expert pursuing your rights.
Speak to an Attorney Now
If you have been injured in an automobile accident, we can help you. Please call now to speak to Brad or Tyson Wiles personally. They are available for a free telephone or in-office consultation at your convenience.
Thank you for taking the time to read about our law firm and what we can do for you. We wish you all the best in your recovery.